
Arriving late to school

Poor punctuality is not acceptable.  If your child misses the start of the day they can miss learning and do not spend time with their class teacher getting vital information and news for the day. Late arriving pupils also disrupt lessons which can be embarrassing for the child and can also encourage absence.  Learning will not be stopped when late children arrive in the class as this is unfair on the children who are punctual to school.  It is the responsibility of all parents and carers to ensure that their child/ren are in school on time.

All times are taken from the clock in the main office

8.40am: Playground gates open and pupils can go into school.

8.45am: Registers open.

8.50am: School gates are closed, learning time begins – all pupils who are late, must now go to the front office.

9.00am – 9:30am: Children are registered as ‘late’. Parents/Carers will have to provide the exact reason as to why they are late. This will be recorded on the register as code L. Code L does not contribute to the issue of penalty notices.

9:30am onwards: Children are registered as ‘very late’. Parents/Carers will have to provide the exact reason as to why they are very late. This will be recorded on the register as code U. Code U does contribute to penalty notices as it is an unauthorised absence. It is very important to avoid code U by being on time for school every day.

What if I have been to the doctor or the dentist?

If it is possible please arrange for medical appointments to be outside of school time. However if you have had to go in an emergency for your child, you must bring with you evidence that you have been. This can be an appointment card, a prescription that has been issued on that day, or evidence that you called the surgery to speak to someone and take advice. If the school has seen the evidence then the absence will be recorded as code M. This is authorised. If there is no evidence then it will remain as code L or code U.