
At Sir Martin Frobisher Academy, we expect all children to be the best that they can be in order to have “Successful, Meaningful Futures for All”. Our behaviour policy demonstrates how we nurture children and proactively work with the child and families to tackle any disruptive behaviour.


Pupil Suspensions

The school will make every effort to support pupils with challenging behaviour and to resolve conflict. However, if it is necessary to suspend a pupil then the following procedures will be implemented:

Fixed term suspension: Head teachers have the legal right to suspend a pupil for up to 45 school days in a school year.

Suspension is a disciplinary sanction, which can only be exercised by the Head teacher or member of SLT when s/he is acting in the Head teacher’s absence and only in response to serious breaches of the school’s policy on behaviour or of the criminal law.

Where a pupil is suspended for a fixed period, the suspension will be for a minimum time to ensure that the pupil and others in the school understand that the behaviour has been unacceptable.

Pupils will be given every opportunity to improve their behaviour before fixed term suspension is exercised.

A first fixed period of suspension lasting from 1 to 3 days is usually appropriate.  When a pupil is suspended, the Head teacher will arrange for pupils to receive schoolwork to do at home and have it marked until s/he returns to school.

Arrangements for fixed term Suspension:

  1. Fixed-term suspensions will take effect as of the close of the current school day.  However, if the offense is of a very serious nature, i.e., where a pupil is a grave danger to themselves or others, then the suspension will be immediate.
  2. The Head teacher will make every effort to contact parents by telephone during the day informing of the suspension and the reasons for it.  The Head teacher will always send a formal letter setting out the reasons for the suspension and the arrangements for their return to school.
  3. Parents will be informed of their right to make representations to the Governing Body.

In the unlikely event that it is necessary to apply the sanction of permanent exclusion, then the governing body will follow appropriate LA procedures.