What does RSE look like in our school? 

We have recently reviewed the way we teach RSHE at Sir Martin Frobisher Academy based on RSE guidance from DfE (see below). We aim to teach RSE throughout our whole curriculum. Therefore, much of our RSE learning will take place during our PSHCE, Science, P.E and ICT lessons and this learning may be reinforced throughout other curriculum areas. This is to ensure that the core knowledge is broken down into units of manageable size and communicated clearly to children within clearly sequenced lessons. Teachers are therefore able to choose the right opportunities to teach RSE content within context so that children can embed the knowledge and it can be used within their everyday lives. We ensure that children’s prior knowledge is considered and as a result, RSE is a key part of our ‘Jigsaw’ PSHCE scheme. RSE runs through each unit of our scheme and there is a dedicated unit ‘changing me’ which focuses primarily on RSE content.

Parent Consultation  about RSHE teaching at Sir Martin Frobisher Academy

DFE Documents

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education guidance 

Parent Guidance regarding RSHE

Jigsaw Documents

Parent and Carer Information regarding RSHE

LGBTQ Information