SEND Information
I am Mrs Wadsworth and I am SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-Ordinator) here at Sir Martin Frobisher Academy.
I carry out of the role of which involves supporting and co-ordinating provision for children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
If you are ever concerned about your child’s progress or development, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. The teacher can then complete a referral form to request SENDCo support or advice if needed.
If you would like to speak to me, I can be contacted via the school office on 01255 427073 (during school hours).
Please click on one of the links to find out more information about SEND at Sir Martin Frobisher Academy.
- What types of SEND are provided for?
- How does the school identify and assess children with SEND?
- Quality first teaching.
- The graduated approach.
- Referral for an EHCP.
- Interventions.
- How does the school communicate with me and my child?
- How does my child have his/her say?
- How will my child be supported with transistions?
- What is our SEND ethos and approach?
- SEND facilities.
- SEND resources.
- Staff training.
- Where can I find SEND support and information?
- Problems and complaints.
Please Find our full SEND report here.